News Items

Title Posted
CND's Press Round-Up - 27th April 2021 27th April 2021
Trident could be forced overseas or halted if Scotland gains independence 27th April 2021
Response from the Government to Trident Ploughshare's letter about the Integrated Defence Review 27th April 2021
Chernobyl radiation in Scotland 27th April 2021
Investment in Nuclear Weapons Companies 27th April 2021
Our Carrier Based Strike Force 26th April 2021
The cows died: But mandatory slaughter of Fukushima’s radioactive cattle was just the beginning of a new tragedy 26th April 2021
What do we remember about Chernobyl? 26th April 2021
A better way to store nuclear waste: Ask for consent 26th April 2021
Alex Wellerstein pulls back the curtain on nuclear secrecy 26th April 2021
Today is the Global Day of Action on Military Spending 26th April 2021
CND's Press Round-Up - 26th April 2021 26th April 2021
Chernobyl radiation effects have not been passed on to next generation, study finds 25th April 2021
Fairewinds Nuclear Spring Series: Gender, Radiation, and Earth Day 24th April 2021
Catchup on webinar "Threats of War:Britain's New Global Role" 24th April 2021
A request for help to oppose the Government's plans for a massive increase in the UK's stockpile of nuclear warheads. 24th April 2021
nuClear News No.131, April 2021 24th April 2021
The government claims it "can't afford" a real pay rise for NHS workers 24th April 2021
Response to the UK government’s Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy 24th April 2021
CND's Press Round-Up - 23rd April 2021 24th April 2021
Bristol police to pay damages for arrest of activists using Covid powers 24th April 2021
Is the US nuclear community prepared for the extreme weather climate change is bringing? 22nd April 2021
CND's Press Round-Up - 22nd April 2021 22nd April 2021
Met police spy met woman under fake ID and later had child with her, inquiry hears 22nd April 2021
Fish radioactive report prompts Fukushima ban 22nd April 2021
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