CND Press Digest: Friday 10th May 2024

Posted: 10th May 2024

Nukes in Britain

Global Nukes

  • Reuters: Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that there was nothing unusual in a planned exercise involving the practice deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in southern Russia along with ally Belarus, as preparations for the drills have begun.
  • Minsk confirms deployment of Russian tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus.
  • The BulletinUnited States nuclear weapons, 2024.
  • France wants to extend its nuclear umbrella to Europe. But is Macron ready to trade Paris for Helsinki?

UK Nuclear Energy

  • The GuardianFixation on UK nuclear power may not help to solve climate crisis. Waste and cost among drawbacks, as researchers say renewables could power UK entirely.
  • West Cumbrian students challenged to design nuclear decommissioning robots.

Nuclear Energy

  • Fuel loading begins at delayed Flamanville-3 EPR nuclear power plant.
  • Coalition MPs have dismissed advice from the world’s international energy body urging Australia to ditch any nuclear plans in favour of the “untapped potential” of solar and wind power.

NATO / Europe

  • Reuters: In ‘dangerous world’, UK’s Cameron says NATO must be tougher, spend more.
  • UK in a Changing EuropeCan NATO be ‘Trump-proofed’?

Middle East & North Africa

  • Responsible StatecraftKilling the Iran nuclear deal was one of Trump’s biggest failures. Six years after the US withdrew from the JCPOA, prospects for its resurrection are dim and Tehran is closer than ever to a bomb.

AUKUS / Indo-Pacific

  • Defense NewsWhat has the AUKUS alliance accomplished in the last year?
  • The Conversation: Confused or playing for time? 3 possible reasons NZ is taking so long to make a call on AUKUS.
  • Seoul mulls joining AUKUS as Beijing protests.



Pádraig McCarrick


Press and Communications Officer

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.