Write to Foreign Secretary David Cameron now to insist that he calls for an immediate ceasefire and stops all arms exports to Israel.

Posted: 7th May 2024

We urgently need you to act now to halt Israel’s military incursion and intensified bombardment of the 1.4 million Palestinian people trapped in Rafah. Israel’s planned further escalation would have catastrophic consequences for the civilian population. Write to Foreign Secretary David Cameron now to insist that he calls for an immediate ceasefire and stops all arms exports to Israel. 
Write to the Foreign Secretary

Israel has announced its intention to mount a full-scale ground offensive on Rafah by issuing evacuation orders to the Palestinian population, in the full knowledge that there is nowhere safe for them to go. Most of those now in Rafah have already been displaced multiple times, many are sick, injured, and malnourished, and they are living in horrendous conditions. Approximately 600,000 children are currently taking shelter in the enclave.


We will be holding an emergency protest outside Downing Street at 6pm this evening to demand that the British government acts to prevent Israel’s planned ground offensive. Join us at 6pm this evening if you can be there!

In response to Israel’s genocidal violence against the Palestinian people, we must escalate our solidarity. This week the inspiring student encampments that started in the USA spread to British campuses. Students at 14 universities across Britain have now set up encampments demanding their universities divest from Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza. PSC is offering active support to these student encampments. At this critical time, we all need to keep up the mounting pressure.  


Write to the Foreign Secretary David Cameron today and join us outside Downing Street if you can.

Write to the Foreign Secretary

The moment is urgent. We must continue demand an immediate end to arms sales to Israel, and an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Act now in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In solidarity,


PSC Campaigns Officer

Dear Peter,

Peter, we urgently need you to act now to halt Israel’s military incursion and intensified bombardment of the 1.4 million Palestinian people trapped in Rafah. Israel’s planned further escalation would have catastrophic consequences for the civilian population. Write to Foreign Secretary David Cameron now to insist that he calls for an immediate ceasefire and stops all arms exports to Israel.

Write to the Foreign Secretary

Israel has announced its intention to mount a full-scale ground offensive on Rafah by issuing evacuation orders to the Palestinian population, in the full knowledge that there is nowhere safe for them to go. Most of those now in Rafah have already been displaced multiple times, many are sick, injured, and malnourished, and they are living in horrendous conditions. Approximately 600,000 children are currently taking shelter in the enclave.


We will be holding an emergency protest outside Downing Street at 6pm this evening to demand that the British government acts to prevent Israel’s planned ground offensive. Join us at 6pm this evening if you can be there!

In response to Israel’s genocidal violence against the Palestinian people, we must escalate our solidarity. This week the inspiring student encampments that started in the USA spread to British campuses. Students at 14 universities across Britain have now set up encampments demanding their universities divest from Israel’s genocidal assault on the Palestinian people in Gaza. PSC is offering active support to these student encampments. At this critical time, we all need to keep up the mounting pressure.  


Write to the Foreign Secretary David Cameron today and join us outside Downing Street if you can.

Write to the Foreign Secretary

The moment is urgent. We must continue demand an immediate end to arms sales to Israel, and an immediate and permanent ceasefire. Act now in solidarity with the Palestinian people.

In solidarity,


PSC Campaigns Officer

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.