Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest, MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2024

Posted: 23rd April 2024

The Clamshell Alliance led the way in the 1970s, with non-violent civil resistance to new nuclear power plants in the US, starting at Seabrook in New Hampshire. Now those activists are back to fight the latest nuclear resurgence, writes Clam member, Arnie Alpert.
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Clamshell reopens for new fight

The Clamshell Alliance touched off an anti-nuclear rebellion across the US in the 1970s, remembers one of its members, Arnie Alpert. Now, some of them are regrouping as the specter of new nuclear power plants rises again and the pro-nuclear propaganda ramps up. As we remember the tragedy of Chornobyl, 38 years ago this week, we should heed those warnings and reject further use of nuclear power. Says Alpert: “grassroots movements engaging in what John Lewis called ‘good trouble’ can shake up power structures and bring about change.” READ MORE

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