Abingdon Peace Group Peace Pole erected on Saturday 6th April

Posted: 8th April 2024

More than 50 people of many different nationalities gathered in the tranquil garden of St Ethelwold’s House in central Abingdon on a blessedly sunny Saturday afternoon to witness the unveiling of Abingdon’s Peace Pole by the Mayor. 

Councillor Gwyneth Lewis said that the Peace Pole had the full support of the Town Council, as “Abingdon is a town of peace, represented by a Mayor of Peace”. She had seen many Peace Poles in other countries during her work for the United Nations, and was delighted to hear that there are now Peace Poles in over 200 countries; the Peace Pole movement is an NGO recognised by the United Nations. During her time as Mayor she has also started the process of applying to become a recognised “Town of Sanctuary”, another global movement which promotes peace and support for those suffering the consequences of conflict or oppression around the world. 

The simple but moving ceremony was concluded with a reading of a poem, after which everyone present spoke together a Community Affirmation which started, “We who stand here in sorrow for the victims of all violence today declare our hope in the future.” Gentle songs were sung by people for whom St Ethelwold’s House is truly a haven of peace. 

Afterwards the attendees were treated to the tea and cake for which St Ethelwold’s volunteers are justly celebrated.

Picture & Poem

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