What the G-7 summit in Hiroshima means to 'Hiroshima' and what it should accomplish

Posted: 22nd March 2023

March 22, 2023 (Mainichi Japan)

A contribution to The Mainichi by Tadatoshi Akiba, former mayor of Hiroshima

    March 16, 2023

    Tadatoshi Akiba, former mayor of Hiroshima, is seen in this file photo taken at the city’s Peace Memorial Park, on May 12, 2016. (Mainichi/Tadahiko Mori)

    As the G-7 Hiroshima summit approaches, the deep divide between the government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida with its supporters and those who have fought to eliminate nuclear weapons together with the hibakusha (A-bomb survivors) has become more than visible.

    On the one hand, the Kishida government, supported by the United States and others, continues to disregard the hibakusha’s pleas to make the occasion a pivotal conference to welcome the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Other supporters of Kishida’s “peace”-related policies and activities, including Hiroshima Prefecture and Hiroshima City, seem to go along with Kishida by promoting tourism and fun activities, and emphasizing the economic value of the May event.

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