Beyond Nuclear International Weekly Digest MONDAY, MARCH 20, 2023

Posted: 20th March 2023

If/when Japan dumps 1.3 million tons of radioactive water into the ocean it will be counting on ‘out of sight out of mind’ and ‘dilution is the solution to pollution,’ both unacceptable and wrong, writes Tilman Ruff. A debate about who can speak out on political issues recently erupted around a UK soccer commentator, but anti-nuclear activists have encountered this for years, writes Linda Pentz Gunter.

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The worst of water plans

IPPNW Australia’s Tilman Ruff argues that the startling conclusions of an independent scientific panel that strongly warns against Japan’s plans to dump radioactive water into the Pacific should be heeded. And Australia, which supplied Fukushima’s uranium, should lend its voice to the chorus of opposition to what would initiate at least 40 years of radioactive discharges into the sea. READ MORE

Who is allowed to speak out?

Should a PhD in nuclear engineering be required to credential opposition to nuclear power? Of course not, argues Linda Pentz Gunter. The human capacity to think, learn and deduce reaches across all qualifications. But anti-nuclear activists, as well as athletes and other celebrities, are often silenced using the specious argument that they lack authority to address issues beyond their own profession. READ MORE

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