Stop the War coalition Newsletter 17.2.23

Posted: 17th February 2023

Newsletter – 17/02/23


Next Saturday – Stop the War in Ukraine Demo

There is no opposition to the warmongering either in parliament or in the media; no dissent from the opposition benches to the war policies of the government. In his visit to Kyiv earlier this week, Keir Starmer made clear his commitment to support the war, reassuring President Zelensky that there is “no difference” between Labour and Conservative policy when it comes to Ukraine.
So far the Tories have scuppered peace talks, taken the lead on pushing NATO to supply increasingly offensive weaponry, and pumped billions into arms spending. All 100% supported by the loyal opposition.
A year ago, Starmer’s diktat prevented Labour MPs criticising NATO, effectively silencing all opposition in the parliamentary party to the war. A year later, this silence is deafening. Starmer has repeatedly attacked Stop the War for our stand on the war in Ukraine, and as the war intensifies this spring so too will the attacks on the anti-war movement.

It will only be through extra-parliamentary activity that any opposition to the war will be heard. This is why it is so important for as many of us as possible to head to London on 25 February and join our Peace Now demonstration


Assemble at BBC, Portland Place, W1A 1AA at 12 Noon. Marching to Trafalgar Square.

We’re also asking you to publicise the demonstration in every way possible; join our Twitterstorm this evening using hashtags #PeaceNow & #StopTheWar; organise stalls and leafleting sessions in your area; get in touch with local trade unions, faith groups etc; distribute and display leaflets at your workplace or college. You can download flyers for the demo here.


If you live in London please join one or more of the leafleting sessions organised for this weekend.

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.