Open letter on Ukraine

Posted: 17th February 2023

From: John Marais, Flat 9, Westwood House, 75 Edinburgh Road, Norwich NR2 3RL. Tel 01603 638973


Dear Comrades,


In the open letter to the Star calling for ‘solidarity with the Ukrainian people’, signed by GMB general secretary Gary Smith, John McDonnell MP, campaigner Peter Tatchell and others, the signatories appear to be calling for the total ‘defeat’ of Russia with a continuation of military aid from the UK to help bring this about. Nowhere is it suggested there should be continuous efforts to negotiate a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

It seems our intrepid signatories prefer to contemplate the unlimited shedding of more Ukrainian and Russian blood to ensure this defeat – a defeat which is not defined. Does that defeat mean bringing even Crimea back under Ukrainian control? That would be unwelcome to most Crimeans themselves, and Putin could easily whip up massive popular support within Russia to prevent this happening, at all costs. Nowhere do they acknowledge that it might actually be impossible for the Ukrainians to defeat the Russians by themselves, even with unlimited military Western aid, so NATO would have to become directly involved. At that point, the world would face possible nuclear war.

The danger of nuclear war ought to be obvious, and those prepared to risk it are either unbelievably ignorant of that reality, or highly irresponsible.

Anyone who seriously cares about a peaceful future for Ukraine, and the rest of the world, should join the CND/Stop the War rally on Saturday, February 25th- starting outside the BBC at Portland Place, 12.00, then proceeding to Trafalgar Square.


Yours Fraternally, John Marais (Norwich CND member)

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