Greenham Women Everywhere have received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund

Posted: 10th January 2023

Dear Friends
Greenham Women Everywhere have received a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund to create a series of national responses to the 40th anniversaries of Embrace the Base, the Silos Action and Carry Greenham Home. We are focusing on 5 areas of the UK – Wales, Scotland, the north of England, Berkshire and Cornwall.
Now that we have the funding, we are looking for herstorians in each of these areas to work with a group of local volunteers on the project.
This is bespoke to however they want to deliver the project – they can make it their own – these are just guidelines.
Each Herstorian would work with a team of volunteers to:
  * Collaborate with a local organisation (suggestions welcome)
  * Create local activities to feed into the national response
  * Explore how the community has been shaped by its local Greenham Women and their campaigns
  * Collate local oral testimonies about participation in Embrace the Base, the Silos action and Carry Greenham Home
There is a fee of £1000 for each Herstorian and they would have a member of our team to work with them to organise the events they think serve their community best.
There is no one way of delivering this, so let me know if you want a chat about it, or pass on my details if you know anyone who might be interested and I can give them a call.
[email protected]

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.