Time to avert ‘global nuclear Holocaust’

Posted: 28th January 2022

Daniel Ellsberg says ICBM abolition would reduce the risk of a near-extinction event

Daniel Ellsberg is 90, but nothing about him has dulled or dimmed, least of all his vast and inside knowledge of the nuclear weapons complex and its unthinkable threat. Beyond Nuclear was proud to join him in signing this statement, demanding the abolition of all U.S. land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, and even prouder (and humbled) to follow him on a January 12 edition of Dennis Bernstein’s Pacifica Radio show — Flashpoints.

By Jake Johnson, Common Dreams

More than 60 U.S. organizations issued a joint statement on January 12, 2022 calling for the total elimination of the country’s land-based nuclear missiles, warning that the weapons are both an enormous waste of money and—most crucially—an existential threat to humankind.

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