Chris Busby and Hiroshima Cancer data

Posted: 4th October 2021

British Scientist discovers the cause of cancer in the Hiroshima Black

Rain survivors. Massive errors in the basis of legal controls on radiation
exposures. In a peer-reviewed paper published by the respectable journal
Cancer Investigations, British Scientist Dr Christopher Busby reveals the
results of his investigative research into the Hiroshima A-Bomb Black Rain,
torrential rain that fell on Hiroshima after the detonation of the US
atomic bomb. The issue of cancer risks in people who lived in the area of
the back rain was headlined recently when the Japanese government lost a
court case taken by Hibakusha groups who believed that their cancers were a
result of the A-Bomb, but who lived in the black rain areas too far from
the detonation to have received any external radiation dose. One problem
for these people is that there has been no scientific explanation. The
black rain was believed to be insufficiently radioactive to cause cancer.
The report: “The Hiroshima A-Bomb black rain—a resolution of the
enigma” provides evidence from an obscure US restricted report from 1976,
declassified in 2014, that the 55kg of unfissioned material of the bomb,
Enriched Uranium, contained vary large amounts of the Uranium isotope U234
which formed the condensation nuclei for the black rain and contaminated
Hiroshima’s water and air for many years. The calculated exposures from
the long-lived Uranium particles due to inhalation and ingestion by those
living in Hiroshima after the bomb were 10,000 times greater than exposures
to the isotope Caesium-137. U-234, which is lighter than U235 (the fissile
component) is extracted into the Enriched Uranium during the separation

 Nuclear News 9th Sept 2021

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