“Connecting the addiction to war and militarism with campaigning for peace, climate justice and the abolition of war”

Event Date: 8th February 2024
Location: Internet 19:00 GMT

WILPF has invited David Collins to speak at a Zoom webinar at 19:00 on Thursday 8 February. The theme is “Connecting the addiction to war and militarism with campaigning for peace, climate justice and the abolition of war”. Please save the date, and please share this information and Zoom link with anyone who might be interested. Everyone is welcome.

Webinar synopsis 
David will include discussion on the “rules of warfare” compared with the actual nature of war, with particular reference to the disastrous and cruel consequences for women, girls and children, citing the particular case of the UK’s unique addiction to military intervention in preference to wise diplomacy and challenge the commonly held view that war is either necessary or inevitable by exploring the prohibition or abolition of war. What is the direct effect of war on global heating, climate justice and exploitation of scarce resources? How much carbon will be emitted – and for how long? What are the realities and consequences of the current expansion of military budgets and the spectacular profit bonanza currently being accrued by arms companies whilst resources needed to effect the promises made at COP 28 are grossly diminished? Does the description of warfare by US General Butler in 1918 as “A Racket” still resonate today?
About David
David Collins is a former Royal Marines Officer, active with the Veterans for Peace USA Climate and Militarism Group, and an Executive Committee member of the Movement for the Abolition of War. He will explain why, at 18, he became a policeman in a remote part of Zimbabwe during the bush war; at 22 joining the Royal Marine Commandos; why after service in the Dhofar war in Oman he resigned at 32; later becoming an offshore directional drilling engineer in the oil and gas industry based for two years in Vietnam; and finally, after a personal catharsis, taking an MSc and finding fulfilment both in the peace movement and in the renewables industry where for 15 years he was Head of Biogas at the Renewable Energy Association. 
Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 828 8637 6906
Passcode: 255551
In peace, Helen
Helen Martins  
Telephone 01795 876854

Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.