Can we afford the cost of defence?

Event Date: 18th April 2023
Location: Internet 8pm

This month’s meeting: Tuesday, 18th April 8pm online

Abingdon Peace Group

Our speaker this month is Colin Archer, former secretary general of IPB, now on the steering group of GCOMS UK, the British branch of the Global Campaign on Military Spending, You may remember that Colin spoke to us in May 2022 about the huge number of questions raised by the Ukraine crisis, and the ex-traordinary rise in military spending that both preceded and followed it.

In a powerful article in the newsletter of the Columbans Network recently, Colin made a telling analogy: “Our military budget is like a huge tree that dominates your garden, blocks out the light, undermines the foundations of your house, and crowds out all the other plants. It’s been there for generations but really your home would be more secure without it.”

Colin will tell us exactly how big this “tree” has grown, and suggest ways we can campaign to cut it down to size.

The GCOMS-UK website, has a huge amount of useful but horrifying information. 

We would recommend especially two new articles by Stuart Parkinson, co-chair of GCOMS-UK:… and 


To join our Zoom meeting, click this link any time after 7.30pm: pwd=RmxHLzBQaXlHYjFSRm5nREVzYjdSdz09 

Meeting ID: 913 1513 4101 Passcode: 015836 . You can also join by phone: email [email protected] for help.


Find out more – call Caroline on 01722 321865 or email us.